GUKU [Among the stars]

Released on January 18, 2018

제아무리 추운 겨울이라도 온종일 쉬지 못하고 열심히 일하거나 공부를 열불이 날 정도로 한 그날, 밖에 나와서 맡는 공기와 바람은 되려 시원하고 막힌 마음을 뚫어준다.
그 날 고되었던 하루를 기억하기보단 그 시원했던 밤과 조금은 씁쓸했던 거리를 회상하며 노래를 적었다.

After being kept inside, feverishly working or studying, we’ve all experienced that first feeling of stepping outside and being suddenly refreshed and jolted awake by the cool winter wind.
Instead of going through the day’s motions, I wrote this song thinking about that bittersweet relief of walking home in the cool weather.

Composed & Lyrics by 구하은 Haeun Koo
Arranged by Analoguee, 박현서 Hyunseo Park, 이준형 Jake JunHyung Lee
Engineered by 이준형 Jake JunHyung Lee
Mixed by & Mastered by 이승훈 SeungHoon Lee
Art work by 강정아 Jeong A Kang
Videography andM/V director by 서유니 Uni So


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Happy new year!

(last update: 1/2/2025)